TDM - Shooter Map Level Design

Basic Layout - This is the first iteration of the level's layout.

Basic Layout - This is the first iteration of the level's layout.

This is the player's flow diagram showing the different ways the players can approach the level

This is the player's flow diagram showing the different ways the players can approach the level

I felt the level had a lot of empty spaces so I added a few more rooms and extra pathways.

I felt the level had a lot of empty spaces so I added a few more rooms and extra pathways.

That Improved the flow a lot giving a move varied approach for the players. Lots of cover as well.

That Improved the flow a lot giving a move varied approach for the players. Lots of cover as well.

I felt I needed to add another floor to give a bit more verticality to the level.

I felt I needed to add another floor to give a bit more verticality to the level.

This created more ways for the players to approach the level from both sides of the map.

This created more ways for the players to approach the level from both sides of the map.

This basic Blockout level represents the phase 1 of my layout. I realised there were way too many empty spaces and too little cover spaces. That when I went back to the drawing board and made a few updates to the level.

This is an updated version of the same layout with better cover placements. I've also used some pre existing props from the marketplace to speed up some of cover elements. This also has a few extra rooms

A Team Deathmatch style shooter level that I made in Unreal Engine 5.4. I started this off as a small level during my free time and figured why not make it into a full level. This is my process.

August 26, 2024